I just finished a book called "Running with Angels" by Pamela Hansen. It touched me to the core on two subjects: 1)she had a stillborn baby and lost a baby right after she was born and 2) she talked of her struggle with weight-loss and her goal to run a marathon.
This book inspired me and was amazing. I don't have as much weight to lose as she did and I don't have the personal tragedies in life that she has had, but I've had similar. It helped me remembering that I can "be who I want to be by being who I want to be."
I can spend some time exercising and still be a good mom. It makes me feel better and I handle things better. I can enjoy desserts and still lose weight. It is just about moderation.
All that being said, I'm grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who knows me very personally and allows me to get up and start over again. And I'm grateful for a Savior who, somehow, understands exactly how I feel. He can help me to rise to my potential.