My birthday was great! I went to a girl's camp certification (my new calling is asst. girls camp leader) and got to know the girls and other leaders better. Annie got me some cookies and ice cream and I got a few lovely renditions of "Happy Birthday" throughout the day. I came home where Evan made me a DELICIOUS steak dinner with pasta. He also said we needed to go couch shopping--YIPPEE!! The Humphries family made me a "Mud pie" ummmm....good and then did my dishes for me.
And I got phone calls from family. The best had to go to Granny T who called to wish me a "Happy Birthday" then told me that "they" were going to drop a nuclear bomb on Southern Utah today and I needed to have my car fueled up to get north. :)
What a lucky girl I am to have such great family and friends. The only downside to this birthday was it is the first birthday that I feel a little bit old now. Think about it...if you round to the nearest 5, when I hit 27 and 1/2 I will be rounding down to 30 instead of up to 25. Oh well....
Happy Birthday yesterday and what a fun picture! I'm glad you had such a great day! I know what you mean with the feeling old thing. YIKES!
Feliz Cumpleanos - Is that how they say it in Spain!?! I hope you had a great birthday and just wanted to thank you again for helping out on Saturday even though it was your birthday!! :-)
Happy, happy birthday! I'm glad your move went well and you're getting settled. Hyrum is huge now!
I love Granny T's comment. Where does she get this stuff?
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