Sister Humphries asked us to bring a photo of Hyrum for nursery next Sunday. So I sat Buzzy down and explained to him that we needed to take some pictures of him for his class. He thought that he should look dignified and impress any of the visitors that may venture over to his nursery class. He also likes to impress the ladies of nursery: Brooke, Gracie, and Emma.
Pucker up, ladies...

The "monkey face"
The monkey face in his monkey pajamas! He's so freakin' cute! Really, he's great. Love him and I love you.
Monkey pj' appropriate. I think he is more of a monkey than I ever was. Just give him a banana and you're set!!
What a cheese! I'm sure the girls with love that!
If that doesn't impress the girls in nursery, I don't know what will. :)
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