Hyrum made a great Charlie Brown with his big, round head; blue eyes; and blonde hair. He wouldn't wear the sheet with all of the holes though. Ev went to his go-to costume: the rodeo clown. And I dressed up as a pregnant lady, well, because....

This is Evan and I going for the gold ( or apple) in our couple's bobbing for apple contest. Evan won. Again, the big head was a factor.

This is most of the gang that dressed up. We had quite a few of the non-dresser-uppers as well.

Pumpking carving

All in all it was a super fun Halloween.
Are you preggars??????
Great announcement, but I want to see a picture of you and your Belly! (or are you not that far along?) :)
Congratulations!!! Hyrum is such a cute kid, it would be a crime for you to not have several more.
Congratulations!! You guys need to have a cute little girl to play with now. That's so exciting though. You'll have to call and tell us more!
Were you and Ev the only adults that dressed up? Loves.
Yes, we need to talk.
I think I missed something! Are you going to have a baby?
Your Preggo!! Why didn't you tell me. Anywho, your Halloween party looked so awesome, I wish I was there. Actually, I had a wonderful Halloween. We will just have to wait and party on Thanksgiving!
Was that an announcement?!?! YAY!! I'm so happy for you. Congratualtions! When are you due?
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