Sibling rivalry already?? My good friend Erin sent me some baby girl stuff in the mail. Hyrum found it and decided he needed to be the baby. Although the binky and bib are pink, that bib had John Deere tractors on it. I mean, Hy doesn't care what color anything is if it has "Deere trackchers" on it.

Hy on his pony Jasper. (Yeah, it is a pony, but it is a bigger one that adults can ride).

Hy with his dog Chuck digging post holes for when his Grandpa Bernie comes out. For his Easter/spring gift, we got him a shovel, a rake and a hoe...he was sooo excited about it. He is definitely an Israelsen man.
I love the pink binkie! Cute bib. Could I ride Jasper?
I'm glad that Hyrum approves of the stuff we sent you. We are so excited for you little girl.
I just realized that your sister is getting married this Friday according to your blog post. That went by fast! Tell her congratulations from the Grush's and we are hoping you will indulge us with some pictures.
Doesn't Nevada have child labor laws?? I suppose you could pay him with a new tractor toy!
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