Riley got to meet Gr. Grandma and Grandpa Spencer in Blackfoot. In fact, it was her first time in Idaho and she LOVED it ;) These are my maternal grandparents.
And Hy on Ev's old shetland pony, Cinnamon. This pony is over 20 years old and filled with "pi** and vinegar" as Ev would say. She is the one that ran away with Ev, his dad, and his brother, Justin in downtown Snowflake. Even the night we took this picture, she was considering bucking Ev's cousin James off! I guess Ev's theory about old age is right: the ornery you are the longer you live!
Is Hyrum holding a pink rope? Ev's description of ole Cinnamon is accurate. I still have a fat lip from the little runaway in downtown Snowflake.
Love this post! I'm glad the kids could visit family. Do they want to come to Germany?
It was so fun to see you! Riley is such a cutie! Hyrun is a cute little cowboy! Cinnamon, well she is okay. She got spooked once, and ran off with me...! :) hehe, yeah she is kind of scary! :)
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