I have a phobia of blogging without pictures. Many of you pull it off. But I just can't do it!! So this lead me to ask myself why the only pic we took over the weekend was of a truck we looked at. Hmmm....
So here is our month in review:
Skeet shooting with the young men.

Ev on his weight loss program...hehehe

Shipping calves.

Appearance of OB-one-kanobi (sorry to all of you Star Wars fans...I know I slaughtered the spelling of his name)

Wee willie winkie...

And "hat day" at preschool.
Things I didn't get pics of:
Friends that moved from the valley
Mummsie's b-day
Visits with both sides of my family
Oh well. Such is life.
I do that all the time. I look at the pictures on the camera and think....really? What was I thinking? You have an adorable family.
391 Girl!? Really, 391 and most are of Riley and Hyrum...hehe. Though that one of Evan on a treadmill is classic. I am shocked he didn't oppose. Loves.
These are great. Riley is so cute and it is fun to see pictures of her. I am the same with blogging without pictures. Someday soon I will update my blog with a tun of pictures.
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