This is a SHOUT OUT to some of the many "girlies" in my life. First is wild woman, cousin Tenesa. Many people are not aware that Riley's actual name is
Baby Tenesa. Just ask Ten.

Then are my wonderful chums from High School. (LtoR: me, Amy Dansie Straley, Krishanda Tripp Eldridge, Dr. Valaine Palmer, DVM, Sherri Hurren Barzee, Natalie Woodward Murdock, Lisa Winward McKenzie). There are others (Sheri B, Amber P, Rachel T, Kimberly M, etc.) but they just weren't in this embarrassing picture. I'm SOOO grateful for my friends in high school. They kept me on the strait and narrow.

My first year roommates that instilled in me a love for "roomies" and the beginning of FUN college years. (L to R, top to bottom: Betty, me, Megan, Janae, Heidi, and Loriann).

My completely CRAZY, health-nut roomies that inspire me still to this day. (LtoR: Caroline "loves-to-make-absolutely-delicious-food", me, Jodi "if-it-doesn't-kill-you-it'll-make-you-stronger (she actually said that to me as we were running the 5K that day), Holly "just-ran-a-marathon-a-month-ago-and-her-baby-is-Riley's-age" and Loriann "fast food bandit"!) Kayla was on the student council and was gone often, but she was like a marathon swimmer. Anyway, that year I felt the healthiest in my life!

My 3rd year roomies who were an absolute riot. Here are Laura and Tammy and me forming a pyramid. We also had Allison and Kim and Carol. Oh we would do weird things like minature golfing, steal alfalfa from a hay field for a college presentation we had to give, and learn new words like "Dag" from Laura.

My final year with roommates where we lived in a hole in the ground. This is our "Rave" (hairspray) party, aka our "Thank you for the Country Music Award" party. And THIS is the woman Evan fell in love with. I mean, can you blame him?

Other "girlies" include my sister-in-laws (Sara, Kalene, Amber), other cousins, my friends out here in Nevada (and they live too close for me to post pics of them :), my friends from Malta that I never really ever got pics of, my friends I did student-teaching with (BAT ASH...) and so many others. I've had some fun ones over the years....
But the ones I'm closest to are my sisters and my mom! They came out for New Year's Eve, kind of unexpectedly, and we had some fun times. We laughed so hard my abs hurt, pulled each other on the 4-wheeler, watched "Little Women"-our sister show, gave each other foot massages, etc. We had a BLAST.

Heart you!