Spoiled. By Grandparents.

Hy's snow shovel. He told Poppa he could scoop snow with his new shovel. And grain. And poop.

Diva-licious in her new winter hat. Apparently she wasn't diva enough in her brother's old hand-me-down BLUE stocking hat. We're grateful for grandmas, aunts, and neighbors to help us in this area.

Hyrum also got two sleeping bags (his grandmas think alike). And a barn. And a John Deere harvest set. And some clothes. And the list goes on.

Riley got her very own pig. And she tries to eat it, too. (Please refer to the Lamb chops post).
I love the many uses Hyrum has for his shovel! And Riley is so cute with her pink pig! We miss you guys
Dear Jennifer,
Dan is helping me again.
Your kids are cute.
What's their newest nursery rhyme?
Gram Spencer
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