With the bribery of cookies, he began...

- We were having a very late Chinese New Year dinner and Hy opened his own fortune cookie. Ev asked him what it said. Hy: "I'm going to Poppa's house!" We didn't think he even knew what a fortune cookie was. But it probably will come true :)
- The next night, I spilt something on my shirt. Hy asked, quite concerned, "You spill?" I said, "Yeah." He grabbed his cup and sloshed it on his shirt. "I spilled, too," he explained, trying to make sure I wasn't alone in my clumsiness.
The fortune cookie response made Poppa SO proud. And I loved the pictures of him squinting his eyes with the medicine and he is so sweet to spill on himself for you!
He's so funny! I remember trying to gulp down yucky medicine too. Pretty soon I'm going to have to start bribing Olivia too, so thanks for the ideas. It was fun to see you for a few minutes the other day.
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