Opening her present with her daddy. Yes, Hyrum got a present as well. :)

My favorite part of the day: the neighbor boys came over and had cake and icecream and sang "Happy Birthday"...but notice the high chair? Riley was having her nap.

Her new birthday outfit and her b-day cupcakes.

She couldn't blow out her candle (she did try it about twice). Hyrum tried about 11 times to blow it out. I was afraid he was going to pass out. Luckily, he figured it out.

Wild woman with her cake and icecream. Yummy!!!

Love you, Riles.
May Birthdays are so much fun. Sydney's is on the 17th and I just love this time of year. I can't believe she is a year old. Maggie will be a year in July. They grow up so fast. That looks like a fun birthday. Too funny that she was taking her nap during the party.
She's growing up too fast!! -Aunt Neener
I am having a hard time believing she is already one.
oh my gosh....1 already. Time sure does fly. What a fun party and for Hyrum to get presents when it's not even his birthday...where do I sign up for that club?!?
Fun times :)
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