There once was a boy who ate all of his oatmeal. His dad told him it would put hair on his chest. And his upper lip. Because he had a moustache, he got a horse and a cowboy hat.

There once was a beautiful girl named Snow White. She liked a party. So she came with the cowboy and his horse.

The cowboy was excited.

The fairy Story lady told all the children there would be treats in the library. And there were.

(The little horse looks concerned about two things. 1) Mom, I'm done being in this outfit and 2) Shouldn't you be watching the road?

Unfortunately, after Snow White ate the poisonous apple, the handsome prince didn't get the memo to NOT eat the apple and kiss her. He just saw the apple and was hungry.

And then the pony was hungry as well and finished the apple up.

So much for the moustache.
How cute is this!??!
Cute story.
That was the coolest story ever. I am totally going to steal your idea the next time I have a bunch of pictures of my kidos.
Tami Kidd Haymond
I love the Halloween posts! Super cute!
Hyrum reminds me of a little Ron Burgundy from the movie anchorman. I just keep laughing.
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