The past few weeks, I've realized how dependent I've become on modern technology. The dishwasher broke. That was a sad day for Jen. So I went for about 3 weeks without one. I grew to love my husband more (he did a lot of dishes by hand), my children thought helping mom with dishes was a lot of fun, and I'll be forever grateful for the new one.

I also didn't have internet for a week. I definitely depend on it a lot for EVERYTHING, especially out here. Shopping, my calling in church, and keeping in touch with people. I'm sooooo happy to have it all back :)
I know how you feel Jen, a week without internet kills me. I'm glad everything is working for you now!
I'm glad you're back online.
(Big eye roll) Please Jen. I've been doing my dishes by hand for almost 2 years. But, I have to admit, I love my internet.
papa says,
Internet and dishwashers do not make you happy. Jeanette and I have lived most of our lives without either. Besides, "I invented the internet."
A dishwasher is not over-rated. I think we haven't had one more than we have had one. But sounds like you made some fun memories.
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