Hyrum got to be in his first ever parade for the 24th of July celebration in Enterprise. He is on the top row, 3rd from the right looking down with his black and blue hat (he was getting a piece of candy to throw for Riley and I) and Brooke is just left of him. They were dressed as scripture heroes and sang "Scripture Power" the whole way down the route.

I ran the 5K at a time of just under 39 minutes...not my best time but my excuse is that I was running with a friend. We had fun.
We ate a picnic at friends house, went to the foot races, and played in the water at the park. We got to see the rodeo and just had a fun weekend.
Here is Hyrum with his "Buzzy Buzz". Evan wouldn't let me cut his hair, so I took it out on Hy.... ;)

And Evan and Riley remembered the pioneers the best, by taking a nap in an a/c house in a soft comfy bed :)
It was so fun to see you!
I like Buzzy's haircut.
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