So for the first time in his life (besides the Humphries) Hy was invited to a birthday party... with a "cool" kid. On the invite was a ninja and I swear it said "Ninja Party". So I asked the b-day boy's mom if we were supposed to dress up. I thought she said "yes." I am deaf.
We borrowed Austin Humphries' ninja costume and Hy became a new man as soon as he put it on. His moves were more impressive than Napoleon Dynamite's on the dance floor.
Anyway, we got to the party, and I notice Leslie's sons weren't dressed up. And as I was leaving, a few more kids showed up, dressed in normal clothes. When I got back, I read the invite again and there was nothing about it being a ninja party, just a ninja on the card.
I blame it totally on prego brain.
I was worried about Hy being the nerd that was the only one dressed as a ninja. When Leslie dropped him off, she said that Daxon got in his costume too, so I guess Hy was hip and his mother didn't ruin him for life. Thank goodness!
Did Hyrum think his costume was cool though?
That just makes me laugh! Everyone was probably jealous of Hyrum. Oh pregnancy. . .it's amazing our families survive.
Your pregnant? I think you need another post. I had no idea. When is this one coming?
I would totally do the same thing with the birthday party regardless of whether I was pregnant or not. I am sure all the other kids wished they had gotten to dress up too.
"Prego brain?" Did I read that right? Congrats!
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