Really, I DO NOT like Vegas. But I love the NFR. Valaine "the Pain" Palmer (an old high school chum) introduced me to the NFR probably 10 years ago. Since then, I usually watch the NFR on the tv with my hunka hunka hubby. 6 years ago, we got the chance of a lifetime to watch the NFR in Vegas in the FRONT ROW seats from Humphries.
So this year, we got the opportunity to buy some tickets and go (especially good because we don't have satellite tv) for Round 8.
To start the night off, we survived the traffic and didn't get mugged as we went to the Thomas & Mack Center. As we were walking in, we saw Baxter Black in the crowd, one of the very funniest cowboy columnists in the world. He reminds me of my father-in-law...maybe how he talks, the big moustache, I don't know....
Tanya Tucker sang the national anthem. I've heard rumors that my brother-in-law, Justin, used to have a crush on her.

I think this was Kaycee Field or Will Lowe on bareback.

Luke Branquino bull dogging or steer wrestling

Cody Ohl in the tie-down roping or calf-roping

Evan & I inhaling all the fumes of the booze ALL AROUND us!! Boo-yah!

We loved watching all of the events and a lot of the contestants we're fans of. We had a ball but were very glad to get back home :)
Did I know you went? I don't even remember you telling me this. In the words on Amy on Little Women, "I'm a selfish girl."
How DARE you call Valaine a Pain!! She is not one at all........:-)! Glad that you had a fun time!
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