Sunday, July 6, 2014

Hard workin' Kiddos

It was a BUSY week this last week! We have been harvesting peas & barley. My aunt, Vickie Kofoed, was here helping to watch kids so that Jessica & I could help swath. I'm not gonna lie...I've enjoyed the peace & quiet while working on the swather. But I have once again renewed my appreciation for women who daily work outside the home and then come home and be MOM. It reminds me to use my time wisely.
But my kids have been working hard this summer as well. Hyrum is working towards a canoe. He is very self-motivated, like his dad. I told him he could clean out the floor of the swather one day-he pestered me about it for a day and a half. And then he vacuumed it, swept it, and mopped it out. It looked AMAZING!
Lindsay LOVES to be outside and on the equipment with me. I love this pic of her in her swimsuit and boots. Great Grandpa Craig Johnson might say, "She's not dressed from S*@&!?!" but she might get a pass b/c she has boots on ;)
 I went out to swath one morning at 6 am and she woke up. She begged to come with me, so I let her. She slept on the floor for the most part, but she loved it.
 We like listening to Dave Ramsey, and he is big into getting your kids money smart at a young age. So we let Riley work and save money for a Frozen dress. She paid half and I paid the other half for her Elsa dress. She was so excited to get it!

Funny kid quotes of the month:

Hy: God gave us flies as a challenge.
Ri: To kill them?

Lindsay's vocabulary has just exploded and she is quite the talker. Her latest phrase is "not yet...." I don't know where she got it from. Maybe I use it more than I realize. She uses it in place of "no!"
"Are you ready to get in the stroller?" "Not yet....."
"Can you finish your breakfast?" "Not yet...."
"Do you want t sit on the potty?" "Not yet...." etc.

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