Friday, December 26, 2008
The Nativity
Growing up, we always did the Nativity...even 2 years ago at Mom and Dad's. As we've gotten older, it's lost the cutest and the charm and has been more irreverent than anything. But we always looked forward to it. This year, with my little neighbors, it was quite entertaining....
Grace, Brooke, and Hyrum were our wisemen and they didn't do their part as well as we would have liked. My favorite is that one of the "gifts" was a box of wipes. Mary probably could have used wipes more than myrrh...whatever that is.
Our angel Kensey was talking to Bryson and Ashlee--the shepherds.
Our angel and shepherds again, but Bry Bud was hiding.
Christmas Eve Dinner
Saturday, December 20, 2008
4 years old
Today is Jeb's 4th birthday. I can't believe that I have a child that would be that old. We had some angelfood cake and sent 4 balloons to heaven for him. (Hyrum was a little torqued when he realized the balloons weren't coming back). It's always a bittersweet day for me and I think of him the most on this day. I compare him most to Hyrum; but even that's hard b/c I know they'd be different. I guess what gets me through is the knowledge that I will have him forever someday and that someday he will open his eyes and look at me. I'm very excited for that day.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Christmas Bears
A tradition the Johnson family had was a collection of Christmas bears...many of which came from Granny T. Mom would pile them in the middle landing of our home and we would go push the buttons on the musical ones all at the same time...we were so clever. Well, that tradition vanished when our "take-it-to-the-DI, doesn't-like-to-accumulate-too-much-junk" mother took them to the DI when the fam moved from Dayton to Malta (don't get me wrong, I'm really glad that my mom doesn't store just STUFF). My little sisters, although well into their teens, were very perturbed that the Mummsie DI-ed the Christmas bears.
Anyway, I now have started my own collection (due largely in part to, once again, Granny T) and I had them all neatly arranged. I was trying to get Hy to sit amongst them and look all cute. He obviously had other ideas.

WWF with the Christmas teddies. I think Hyrum wants to wrestle Uncle JC and Elliott and probably Steve.
Anyway, I now have started my own collection (due largely in part to, once again, Granny T) and I had them all neatly arranged. I was trying to get Hy to sit amongst them and look all cute. He obviously had other ideas.
O Christmas Tree...
Here are "the boys" putting the star on top of our Christmas tree. Sorry that Hyrum is showing a little midriff.... :)

Evan's parents make getting the Christmas tree a real holiday tradition and it is a day long event as they hike through the woods with the Rencher family. We wanted to do something similiar. We went up with the Humphries family about 2 miles from our home, found 2 "decent" trees, and got out the ol' chainsaw. Took about 22 minutes. Long live holiday traditions.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Drive through the ol' hometown...
Our plans changed for Thanksgiving and we ended up in Malta and then in Cache Valley for a day. Evan had me do an errand for him in Dayton and then I took a quick drive around the "block". Dayton has changed some but in some ways it will never change. There are so many things I miss about Dayton, but especially the people. It turns out that a few of my friends were home over the holiday and we probably just passed each other...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Yes...we are!
So many of faithful blog-checkers...may have wondered where I have been. I'm here, just busy. And we wanted to make sure things were looking good at the 12 week check-up before we announced "officially" :)
I had a scare today when I went to the doc's office. Things were going well and I really like our family doctor...I think she will do GREAT. Anyway, she couldn't find the baby's heartbeat with the doppler and I'm 12 weeks along. My heart dropped. I had asked Heavenly Father that if this baby wasn't meant to live, to take it before I had another stillborn; but the actual thought that this baby wasn't there made me so sick.
The doc went with me to the ultrasound room and the found a little baby in there moving around, jumping, squirming (just like its 2-year old brother). I felt the tears in my eyes and the immediate relief. They think the baby's heartbeat was just hidden behind my pulse.
Anyway, everything is really good. But it made me definitely reflect on two good friends who have recently miscarried. I don't know why some babies don't get a chance and some do. I don't know why some awful people get babies so easily and those families who would really give that baby the best home possible don't. I guess that's just part of this telestial life.
But today, I counted my blessings.

The doc went with me to the ultrasound room and the found a little baby in there moving around, jumping, squirming (just like its 2-year old brother). I felt the tears in my eyes and the immediate relief. They think the baby's heartbeat was just hidden behind my pulse.
Anyway, everything is really good. But it made me definitely reflect on two good friends who have recently miscarried. I don't know why some babies don't get a chance and some do. I don't know why some awful people get babies so easily and those families who would really give that baby the best home possible don't. I guess that's just part of this telestial life.
But today, I counted my blessings.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
The two-year old switch...
Okay, so this is my first go-round with a two-year old. I didn't realize that the actual birthday flipped a switch and made my sweet, little one-year old actually become a "terrific" two-year old. I thought the change would come gradually.
Example 1: Yesterday we were coming home from the doctor and I gave Buzzy his milk from Subway. He used to sip it, sometime spilling accidentally just a little bit. Yesterday, he flat turned his milk upside down and DUMPED it purposefully on his lap. We had a 45-minute drive home as well as a 15 minute wait at the post office. It was f-u-n.
Example 2: This morning things got quiet...too quiet. I called out Hyrum's name and he came running to me--with BLACK all on his pointer fingers. I had no idea what it was. I followed him into my bathroom where he opened my mascara and painted my BRAND NEW cabinets!! He couldn't even open my mascara, had no desire to play with it two weeks ago. What have we gotten ourselves into??? :)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Charlie Brown, a rodeo clown and a pregnant lady
Hyrum made a great Charlie Brown with his big, round head; blue eyes; and blonde hair. He wouldn't wear the sheet with all of the holes though. Ev went to his go-to costume: the rodeo clown. And I dressed up as a pregnant lady, well, because....
This is Evan and I going for the gold ( or apple) in our couple's bobbing for apple contest. Evan won. Again, the big head was a factor.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Birthday Boys, Part II
Evan opening his box of diapers from Humphries'. (Actually it was a giant inflatable Christmas Tigger...are you jealous Decca...don't worry, it sleeps in the guest bed so you can cuddle with it over Thanksgiving.)
Hyrum opening one of his tractors.
Buzzy blowing out his candles on his birthday cake. We still wonder if Kensey and Austin helped...
Monday, October 20, 2008
Hy is the grand total of two years old!! My friend, Sis. Cameron said that instead of thinking of it as the "terrible twos" think of it as the "terrific twos." When else are you going to get sticky peanutbutter kisses, goobering loves, etc. So, I'm trying that perspective. Well....this is the first day and Hyrum wanted us to KNOW he is two.
I got to watch the Humphries' kids while their parents were Christmas shopping. So, they got to be here this morning to greet Hy. We sang "Happy Birthday" to him and showed him his new trike then gathered all the kids in for a picture. Hmm....he apparently doesn't like birthdays.
Tonight, Ev was giving Mr. Buzzy a bath and Hy learned that he had control of his..."urinary functions" and could make it stop and go when he wanted. Well as gross as it is in the tub, the best part was when he decided to express his two-year old self on the carpet. It's one thing when it accidentally happens while you're changing a diaper. It's another thing if it is stopping and going and the guilty one is laughing.
But this is how the night just ended as I went to kiss my little one goodnight. Most kids like to sleep with something soft like a teddy bear or blankie. Not our boy... :)
Tonight, Ev was giving Mr. Buzzy a bath and Hy learned that he had control of his..."urinary functions" and could make it stop and go when he wanted. Well as gross as it is in the tub, the best part was when he decided to express his two-year old self on the carpet. It's one thing when it accidentally happens while you're changing a diaper. It's another thing if it is stopping and going and the guilty one is laughing.
But this is how the night just ended as I went to kiss my little one goodnight. Most kids like to sleep with something soft like a teddy bear or blankie. Not our boy... :)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The REAL photo shoot
Amber did a great job and all she used was my little digital camera! Buzzy, thanks for smiling sometimes so we could get some good pics and for screaming and running away so that we could make memories :)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Photo shoot for nursery...
Sister Humphries asked us to bring a photo of Hyrum for nursery next Sunday. So I sat Buzzy down and explained to him that we needed to take some pictures of him for his class. He thought that he should look dignified and impress any of the visitors that may venture over to his nursery class. He also likes to impress the ladies of nursery: Brooke, Gracie, and Emma.
Pucker up, ladies...
The "monkey face"

Pucker up, ladies...
Friday, October 10, 2008
Any ideas...
for YW in Excellence. It's been like ten years and I haven't paid attention to what you do at these things. Help....I'm stressed! Oh, and the mutual theme is "Steadfast and Immovable".
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The "New" Kitchen -1
Yay! It is done! (It was actually done a while ago, but Murray had to put trim and I had to clean it and there are a few other things that I'll change later, but....)
Top to bottom, L to R: #1-The old kitchen.....dark, dreary and seventies. #2- The cupboards are gone but check out that cute, green flowered wallpaper. Not really for a kitchen, but maybe a little girl's room. #3-The beginning of something new. #4- Wow! I love it! Murray did a wonderful job and fixed not only cupboards, but electrical, plumbing, everything!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Buzzy's boots
Last weekend, we went to my cousin Dan's wedding. Of course, this is the only picture I took of the whole event. But it was fun and I'm very excited for Dan and Emalee (Evan was pronouncing her name ee-mall-ee). Buzzy looked pretty spiffy in his cowboy boots and monkey pajamas.
This weekend, we ran over to Beaver, UT to see Bernie and Vicki on their way home from Logan. We had fun visiting with them, if only for a short time as well.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
1. Where is your cell phone? nada
2. Your significant other? Ev
3. Your hair is...? messy
4. Your mother is...? super
5. Your father is...? busy
6. What is your favorite thing? family
7. Your dream last night was...? barfing (I have to explain this one...I was sick last night, so I didn't get much sleep)
8. What is your favorite drink? water
9. What is your dream/goal? heal
10. What is your greatest fear? ralphing
11. Where do you want to be in 6 years? healthy
12. Where were you last night? bathroom
13. What you're not? healthy
14. Muffins or cupcakes? blah
15. One of your wishlist items? healthy
16. Where did you grow up? Dayton
17. What is the last thing you did? TMI
18. What are you wearing? pjs
19. What's on your TV? RFDTV
20. Your pets are...? short
21. Your computer is...? stupid
22. Your life is...? fun
23. Your mood is...? errr?
24. Are you missing someone? Jeb
25. Your car is...? bunny-smasher
26. Something your not wearing? make-up
27. Your favorite store is...? DI
28. Your summer is...? gone
29. The last time you laughed? today
30. The last time you cried? yesterday
2. Your significant other? Ev
3. Your hair is...? messy
4. Your mother is...? super
5. Your father is...? busy
6. What is your favorite thing? family
7. Your dream last night was...? barfing (I have to explain this one...I was sick last night, so I didn't get much sleep)
8. What is your favorite drink? water
9. What is your dream/goal? heal
10. What is your greatest fear? ralphing
11. Where do you want to be in 6 years? healthy
12. Where were you last night? bathroom
13. What you're not? healthy
14. Muffins or cupcakes? blah
15. One of your wishlist items? healthy
16. Where did you grow up? Dayton
17. What is the last thing you did? TMI
18. What are you wearing? pjs
19. What's on your TV? RFDTV
20. Your pets are...? short
21. Your computer is...? stupid
22. Your life is...? fun
23. Your mood is...? errr?
24. Are you missing someone? Jeb
25. Your car is...? bunny-smasher
26. Something your not wearing? make-up
27. Your favorite store is...? DI
28. Your summer is...? gone
29. The last time you laughed? today
30. The last time you cried? yesterday
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Thumbs up for play days!
Most of you may think that you have to give a "thumbs up" with your thumb. But Buzzy knows better. He gives "thumbs up" with his pointer finger.
I'm going to try and do a 3-year old preschool (basically play day b/c Austin is the only 3 year old) every other Wednesday. Here we are playing in the sandbox.
Our "educational" part of the day was to chalk draw our bodies and put our faces in the right place.
Hyrum, when you're 16, you'll only dream of taking Gracie and Brooke on wagon rides :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
My wall
Our bathrooms are currently being remodeled and I can't wait to show the before and after...speaking of, my kitchen is finished. I need to get Annie to help me blog that. is Buzzy in front of my new wall hanging.
The below pic is older, but if you look past Ev and Hy, you can kind of see how the wall used to look...blank.
My life right now is kind of like my house--crazy at the moment, but so exciting. :)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
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