Riley Jen Israelsen!

8 lbs. 6 0z., 20.5 inches. Thursday, May 21st at 5:30 pm. They started me on pitocin but couldn't get the anestheseologist b/c of an appendectomy. It took him 7 pokes in my spine to get the epidural in (the WORST part). At 4:30 she broke my water and I was between 5-6 cm. All of the sudden I told the nurse I was feeling a little nauseous and had a little pain. She checked me and suddenly it was a flurry of activity because Riley was coming out!!! I didn't push! She just sort of fell out!!! That was the best part. Anyway, things are good and we're healing up just fine!

Glamorous hospital gown :)

The Daddy, Hy and Riley (before she ever had a name :)
Riley is phonemically named after all of her grandmas and great-grandmas. It is a stretch, but I think it's cool.
R - Ramona, Ruth
IL - ILajean
EY- vickI
J - Josephine
E- jEAnette
Anyway, gotta go but thank you for your prayers, calls, name suggestions, etc. Love you all! :)
congrats!! SHE IS ADORABLE!! I love the name too!
Oh I love her!! I need to see her!!!
Congrats to you! I was thinking of you today as we saw grandma and grandpa. I was wondering if you had your baby, I am glad that all is well.
She is adorable Jennifer. Oh, I'm so happy for you! I hope you are doing great. Congratulations :)
What a beautiful girl! Love her hair!
Hyrum looks ecstatic. She is beautiful. I have been checking often to see her. Congratulations on everything.
Holy Cow- I canNOT believe they stabbed your spine SEVEN times!!!! That is horrifying! Were you worried about permanent damage?? Well, I'm glad all is well and she is a beautiful baby, love the name- very clever! Congrats! Having an 8 lb pound baby just fall out is quite impressive!
Congratulations! She is beautiful!
She does look like Hyrum, a little bit. I think she looks like your baby picture, maybe just because she's a girl. I don't know. I can't wait to introduce myself as her FAVORITE AUNTIE! Love you and your little fam. Loves.
Congrats! I'm so glad she is here. What a doll. I hope all goes well at home.
Yay for little girls! We are so very excited for you and glad everything went well (for the most part). Hopefully we can see you sooner than later-
Jacob and Brittney
Yay Jen!!! I've been thinking about you all week! Riley is an adorable name and she is so beautiful!!! Congratulations! I can't wait to see her!
She is so cute! Congratulations! I'm glad she is finally here and that everything went ok. I love her name. Enjoy and try to get a little sleep.
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