The best/worst part of the day was after dinner, when Hy went to the bathroom to fill up his cup of water. I had Riley's dirty clothes soaking in the sink, so Hy decided to see what would happen when he left the water running and overfilled the sink! Ah! And this was right when I was in the middle of feeding Riley. He came out drenched and said "I wet." Understatement of the day. At least he understood, "HYRUM! GO TURN THE WATER OFF, NOW!"
I was "burping" Riley and getting Hy undressed to get in the tub, when Riley PUKED all over me. And this isn't just spit-up. She's been throwing up occasionally and EVERYTHING she had just eaten was suddenly down my neck, shirt, etc.
We finally got the floor mopped, Riley cleaned up, Hy in the tub, etc. After all of that, we went and sat in the La-Z-Boy. Riley ate again and had fallen asleep, Hy was all clean snuggled up to me and we were watching Lawerence Welk or something when Evan walked passed the window coming home from moving cows. So, although Ev didn't get to see the wild part of the day and only saw the happy moment, I loved that one minute in time when things were at peace :)
So, with Heavenly Father's help, I think I might be able to be a mother of two kids.
Grandma Vicki gave Riley the little outfit and Grandmummsie gave her the little blanket. I don't know what it is with these grandmothers and their little granddaughter but it may have stemmed from Hy's love for his grandpas instead of his grandmas :)
I know you are going to be a wonderful mom, even with all of the hectic activities of two kids! I love Riley's outfit and blankie. Really precious. I can't wait to see you and your family soon!
What a beautiful baby girl! and what a fun, crazy day! I love it when Brian walks in to a clean house and happy kids. Doesn't happen often.
Congratulations! She's beautiful! I too had a few days like that when I first had Elle. It seemed like Jaxson was always needing something everytime I sat down to nurse the baby... It does get easier the older they get. You'll do great though, it sounds like you are already a pro! I'm so happy for you!
Give me any pointers you have. I am trying to get ready for two but I'm sure I have no idea. She is sure cute!
I loved your crazy day story!! I'm sure I'm in for it as well. Emilee is already getting into things and making huge will be interesting, but amazing I'm sure!! I can't wait to see you and the cutie patootie!!
Jen-- she is so darn cute!! Congrats! I promise it gets better :) You are such a good mom... enjoy!!!
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