Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fun with Cousin Tenesa

MY cousin, Tenesa, lives in Phoenix area. So when we went there for a farm meeting, she was kind enough to come hang out with me and the kids in the hotel room. We had a BLAST! She even let Riley put makeup on her. I think Riley could give the "hoochie mommas" some pointers!


...how to lick the beater from Mom... ...and how to braid ropes from Dad.

Braiding may be more practical but licking the beaters definitely tastes better!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Monster Party-Round II

Any of my die-hard blog followers (mostly Mom & Janelle) will remember THIS blog post. (I can't believe how little Hyrum was!)
Well, for our preschool playgroup today, we had an "M" is for monster party again. Good thing I have the ability to recycle old ideas :)

(Starting w/ the girl in the brown & red, going clockwise): Andi B, Paige B, Riley, Hyrum, Daxon T, Navi T, Ryan B, and AJ B). So much fun!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

I used to think my grandparents were lame for celebrating New Years with New York at 10 pm. This year, we didn't even make it in the country...we celebrated with somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean at 9 pm. Lame - O!!
But here we are at 9, running around the parking lot with sparklers. And here we are throwing balloons around in the apartment at "midnight in the Atlantic!"

So my first New Year's Resolution is that 2012/2013 New Year's party is going to be the bomb.com....none of this lame stuff.

I also made a dozen goals to do in 2012. I'm excited. Kind of a theme to go with the year. I think my favorite is to make Ev a dozen different cookies throughout the year and I'm most excited to try the Picky Palate's Oreo stuffed into a chocolate chip cookie :) My other resolution is to have this baby and find somewhere to settle!!

Christmas Dinner & Christmas Loot

So here's some of Hy's stash of Christmas: And here's Riley's (notice the Dora pink fiesta dress?):

Christmas day lunch (I ate the whole ham before anyone else got a bite, hence the belly...)