Friday, February 13, 2009

Homemade Bread

This was my first attempt with real, homemade bread...and it turned out pretty good. I wouldn't go sell this or give it to the neighbors, but I was way excited. Ev has been wanting homemade bread for a while and so I decided to show him how much I love him for V-day by doing something I totally dreaded!

Hy got to make his own little loaf.

Yumm-o! Homemade bread is always best when it's hot!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Calving Heifers

WARNING: Viewer/Reader Discretion advised. If you get queasy please don't read this ;)

It's that time of year again: Calving Season. The cows are bred to have their calves at this time of year so that by the time the fall comes, the calves are the perfect size for the auction. For first year heifers (it is their first calf) a lot of them have a hard time calving, so sometimes the rancher has to "pull them".

Anyway, it is pretty exciting and I love being able to watch new life come into the matter how dirty and gross it is. I remember the first calf I ever watched was at Valaine Palmer's place. It was cool then; it was cool when Hyrum and I went to watch tonight.
They had three calves born tonight. The first one was in the stall with his mom. The second one was half way out when we got there. The third one was inside it's mother--and his mother was a "high-headed" heifer (That means she's a mean cow. She'll chase you and try to hurt you if she's gets the chance. Scary, huh?)
Ev let me TRY to put the chains on the last calf...basically I had to reach up inside the cow and put the chains on feet. Yeah....maybe you'll think twice about shaking my hand...? (I did have gloves on.)
Heifer #2--In front of Ev's boots, you see the calf half way out.Calf #2--Ev is putting it in the next stall for the mother to find.
Heifer/Calf #3: This was the wild one that I put chains on the feet. After I couldn't get them on very well and couldn't pull, I got my camera. Here Ev and Matt are pulling the calf out.
Calf #3- Ev is putting straw in the calf's nostrils to help it breathe. Hy and Steve (yes, Decca, it's Steve!!) were watching on the other side of the gate. You can't see it very well, but Hy has a "preg checking" glove on his arm.

What a night! I'm glad Ev doesn't put me in a stall and hook the chains on to my baby...


I have been in this mood to get everything ready for the baby right now. I believe it is because I know that after a few more months I will hardly be able to manuver around, breathe, carry things, bend over, let alone try to fit into clothing.... or anything else. So, I'm getting a jump start. And I can't believe my energy. I take a power nap but other than that I feel like going and doing things. It's great! Heavenly Father is blessing me right now because 1) now I have a two-year old to chase after and 2) because He knows I'm pretty worthless after the baby is born and I don't get my sleep.
Anyway....we were told that b/c of budget cuts everywhere, we wouldn't be getting a new office on the ranch. That means the office stays in my house (the door on the left is to the office). I was a little discouraged (as was Annie who wanted her own office w/a bathroom and Amber who wanted the garage that would be connected to the office for her stuff). I felt just as bad for those two as myself.

So I was very surprised when we got the news that they would put in a new back door for us (the center door above)! This used to be a room that was piled full of boxes and all of the neighbor's stuff and it was dark, dreary, and dirty. Now, with the new door, it is so bright. It also makes it so we have a back door to leave all of our dirty stuff---anyway, I'm so excited! This picture was taken today...right after I had shampooed the carpets and washed the walls. I love the feeling of clean.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Baby Olivia

Hyrum's second cousin, Olivia came to visit. I was curious how he would react to her. He LOVED HER!!! He wanted to be with her and got out his tractors for her and we had to watch him like a hawk....but he did great!! It made me so excited for a little girl! Olivia is a cutie. Thanks for bringing her Ann and Ben.