Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wake up call!!

This has been circulating on youtube and I LOVE it. I don't know if it is because I'm going through emotional mood swings, I'm a fan of the underdog, or what....but I bawled for 5 minutes while I watched it!


I love how this underdog "nobody" shows what a "somebody" she is.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Celebrity Status

Recently, Hyrum has become the hot topic in all of the People, Newsweek, etc. magazines and the paparazzi won't stop following him. HERE is a link to see him in the Ely Times.

So, for his personal life, he has had to resort to hiding behind his shades....

(*Boring story: While we were gone to Lehi last weekend, Humphries' took Hy to an Easter egg hunt in Ely and Ashlee got her picture with him while hunting eggs. The goggles came from the grocery store and he put them on and wouldn't take them off. He loves them b/c his head is too big for his kid sunglasses...so they work great. But I laugh everytime he puts them on!)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

At our house, we don't give haircuts...

...we either "swathe" or "combine" hair with the clippers. Just ask Hyrum.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I am still in complete SHOCK! I don't know if you can tell, but in this picture is a little boy's....part. Our little "girl" grew something in the past couple of months and now...we are having another little boy! I always thought I wanted all or mostly all boys, but now I'm really bummed that we aren't getting our little girl :( I'm still so excited for another baby, but I just had my mind set on another girl. Oh well. Such is life.