Sunday, May 31, 2009

I love being a mom

Yesterday was my first time with NO help and two kids all day long. It was a little crazy, my house was/is crazy, my appearance was/is crazy, but both kids were dressed and fed and somewhat happy throughout the day.
The best/worst part of the day was after dinner, when Hy went to the bathroom to fill up his cup of water. I had Riley's dirty clothes soaking in the sink, so Hy decided to see what would happen when he left the water running and overfilled the sink! Ah! And this was right when I was in the middle of feeding Riley. He came out drenched and said "I wet." Understatement of the day. At least he understood, "HYRUM! GO TURN THE WATER OFF, NOW!"
I was "burping" Riley and getting Hy undressed to get in the tub, when Riley PUKED all over me. And this isn't just spit-up. She's been throwing up occasionally and EVERYTHING she had just eaten was suddenly down my neck, shirt, etc.
We finally got the floor mopped, Riley cleaned up, Hy in the tub, etc. After all of that, we went and sat in the La-Z-Boy. Riley ate again and had fallen asleep, Hy was all clean snuggled up to me and we were watching Lawerence Welk or something when Evan walked passed the window coming home from moving cows. So, although Ev didn't get to see the wild part of the day and only saw the happy moment, I loved that one minute in time when things were at peace :)

So, with Heavenly Father's help, I think I might be able to be a mother of two kids.
Grandma Vicki gave Riley the little outfit and Grandmummsie gave her the little blanket. I don't know what it is with these grandmothers and their little granddaughter but it may have stemmed from Hy's love for his grandpas instead of his grandmas :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

And the name is...

Riley Jen Israelsen!
8 lbs. 6 0z., 20.5 inches. Thursday, May 21st at 5:30 pm. They started me on pitocin but couldn't get the anestheseologist b/c of an appendectomy. It took him 7 pokes in my spine to get the epidural in (the WORST part). At 4:30 she broke my water and I was between 5-6 cm. All of the sudden I told the nurse I was feeling a little nauseous and had a little pain. She checked me and suddenly it was a flurry of activity because Riley was coming out!!! I didn't push! She just sort of fell out!!! That was the best part. Anyway, things are good and we're healing up just fine!
Glamorous hospital gown :)The Daddy, Hy and Riley (before she ever had a name :)
Riley is phonemically named after all of her grandmas and great-grandmas. It is a stretch, but I think it's cool.
R - Ramona, Ruth
IL - ILajean
EY- vickI
J - Josephine
E- jEAnette
Anyway, gotta go but thank you for your prayers, calls, name suggestions, etc. Love you all! :)

Monday, May 18, 2009

A Picture Blog

I still look like.... Hy and Ev are still waiting for "baby sisser"....

Hy and I built him a farm out of a cardboard box. This is his "happy face"....

Hy is considering this....

We saw these (3 of them) behind our house last week in the early morning...

The scheduled date for an induction is Thursday, the 21st. She is already trying to make a dramatic appearance into this world (SIGH!?!).

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Round 2: Dr. Stinson vs. Dr. Olds

Winner: ?

On Monday, I went in and I am dilated to a 3 cm (yay body...only 7 more to go). Dr. Stinson is my doctor but in order to get an induction date, it has to be approved by two doctors. Dr. Olds is the OB-GYN in Ely. He said that we should wait until next week (I'd still be 1 week early). Dr. Stinson is worried about the travel into town. (*IRONY--this is the closest we've lived to a hospital compared to our other two children). She thought I should be induced this coming week. So the scheduled induction date is the 21st of May. However, maybe she'll just come early on her own. We will see....

By the way, we've finally decided on a name: "Old Kathy" after the two doctors. What do you think?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Round 1: Baby vs. Birth Canal

Winner: Birth Canal

After two previous births, I thought I was pro. I've been having contractions for the past couple of weeks, but nothing too intense. Friday, Dr. Stinson told me I was 1 cm and a little effaced (yay--something is happening!!). That night, I woke up with contractions for about 1 hour in the middle of the night but soon went back to sleep.

Thursday came along with housework, but I really wasn't pushing it too hard. Anyway, we're eating dinner and I'm having PAINFUL contractions. I try lying down and waited for about an hour. Finally I called the hospital and the nurse told us to come in.

I asked, "Are you sure...I'm positive it will go away and it's false labor?" But she insisted, so we drove into town and I was so embarrassed. But I was having contractions 2-3 minutes apart, was 3 cm, and the nurse told me I'd better get settled in. Anyway, the doctor came about an hour later and by the time he checked me I was back to a 2 cm and the contractions had died down.

So, they kept me over night to watch me (since we live so far out) and this morning released me telling me I needed to be on bed rest. I'm barely 36 weeks and if I go into true labor, they have to life-flight me to Salt Lake City.

But baby "Fuzzy" is doing really well and her heartbeat is strong. My job is to keep her in there this week and see where we are on Friday. We will see! I'm glad to be home to my own bed and pillows :)