Monday, August 24, 2009

Mrs. Izzy's Preschool

We had our first day of school today and I'm so excited! Austin is 4 and my only preschool student and Hy is my "helper" and gets to color and stuff. I love preschool and am so excited to do it this year. I always feel there is so much more I could be doing. There really is just so much out there and so many fun things to do that I'm sure I could never do it all. We'll see how this first year goes.


Sara and JC said...

aww so cute, I think a russian tortoise would greatly help your young students! It will teach them responsibility and overall make them better human beings!

Janelle Johnson said...

Mason has those exact same coloring pages! :) I'm so glad you are doing your preschool this year. I wish I was your student. You are so clever, remember when you had your monster party!

And is Sara trying to give Legs away?

Sara and JC said...

Jennifer is thinking about renting Legs for her students. She just needs to convince Evan, Janelle lived with Legs for a semester, she could tell him how great of a pet he is! Actually I really don't know if Legs is a boy or a girl...