Sunday, September 21, 2008


1. Where is your cell phone? nada
2. Your significant other? Ev
3. Your hair is...? messy
4. Your mother is...? super
5. Your father is...? busy
6. What is your favorite thing? family
7. Your dream last night was...? barfing (I have to explain this one...I was sick last night, so I didn't get much sleep)
8. What is your favorite drink? water
9. What is your dream/goal? heal
10. What is your greatest fear? ralphing
11. Where do you want to be in 6 years? healthy
12. Where were you last night? bathroom
13. What you're not? healthy
14. Muffins or cupcakes? blah
15. One of your wishlist items? healthy
16. Where did you grow up? Dayton
17. What is the last thing you did? TMI
18. What are you wearing? pjs
19. What's on your TV? RFDTV
20. Your pets are...? short
21. Your computer is...? stupid
22. Your life is...? fun
23. Your mood is...? errr?
24. Are you missing someone? Jeb
25. Your car is...? bunny-smasher
26. Something your not wearing? make-up
27. Your favorite store is...? DI
28. Your summer is...? gone
29. The last time you laughed? today
30. The last time you cried? yesterday


Janelle Johnson said...

I am sorry you are sick. So sad. I also noticed you didn't tag anyone...HELLO?! Haha. Get feeling better Jen!

Smart Family said...

Thanks for the invite! You have a cute family, and it looks like a very busy little boy. J.C.'s a dad? That's crazy. Say hi to him for us.

Brittney said...

We were sad we didn't get to see you the other day! Hope you are all feeling better. I especially hope Evan got some sleep. Allie had a bad night and poor Evan will probably never come again! Tell him we are soooo sorry. She usually does really well. Anyhow, we'll have to try to get together before too long.