Sunday, May 3, 2009

Round 1: Baby vs. Birth Canal

Winner: Birth Canal

After two previous births, I thought I was pro. I've been having contractions for the past couple of weeks, but nothing too intense. Friday, Dr. Stinson told me I was 1 cm and a little effaced (yay--something is happening!!). That night, I woke up with contractions for about 1 hour in the middle of the night but soon went back to sleep.

Thursday came along with housework, but I really wasn't pushing it too hard. Anyway, we're eating dinner and I'm having PAINFUL contractions. I try lying down and waited for about an hour. Finally I called the hospital and the nurse told us to come in.

I asked, "Are you sure...I'm positive it will go away and it's false labor?" But she insisted, so we drove into town and I was so embarrassed. But I was having contractions 2-3 minutes apart, was 3 cm, and the nurse told me I'd better get settled in. Anyway, the doctor came about an hour later and by the time he checked me I was back to a 2 cm and the contractions had died down.

So, they kept me over night to watch me (since we live so far out) and this morning released me telling me I needed to be on bed rest. I'm barely 36 weeks and if I go into true labor, they have to life-flight me to Salt Lake City.

But baby "Fuzzy" is doing really well and her heartbeat is strong. My job is to keep her in there this week and see where we are on Friday. We will see! I'm glad to be home to my own bed and pillows :)


The Grush's said...

Good Luck with everything. Call me if you need something to do while you are sitting around not chasing Hyrum everywhere.

Smart Family said...

Good luck in the coming days. Get good use out of your pillows!

Robert and Lisa said...

Yikes! I hope everything turns out okay. Good luck and I'll be waiting to see what/when things happen!

Janelle Johnson said...

See...maybe I should come help. Keep me updated. I can try to help with whatev.

Paul, Nat, Syd, and Maggie said...

I hope everything goes well. Take it easy. (Hard to do when you have another one running around.) Sydney was born at 36 weeks and she was fully developed so I hope even if your baby does come a little early that everything is ok.

Straley said...

I don't envy bed rest with a 2 yr old! I hope you have lots of help! We're thinking of you!

Ashley said...

I'll keep you in my prayers and thoughts! I didn't realize you were so far from a hospital!

Terra said...

Good luck. I hope bed rest goes ok and she is delivered safe and sound. love you!