Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Good Eaters...but this???

I've always hoped that Hyrum would eat well and eat healthy food. But this? Seriously?

I bought this pepper and was putting up groceries when I hear this CRUNCH! He took a bite out of each ridge.

Riley had her first bowl of rice cereal on Sunday. She was so excited she was shaking! She grabbed the bowl and was trying to eat the bowl. (I've got the video on the camcorder if you ever come to my house and watch home videos with me---but I didn't get a picture 'til afterwards. So this is kind of what it looked like.)

Thanks for the new Halloween bib, Grandma I!


Janelle Johnson said...

I eat peppers like that too. Hy is the man. And Riley looks really cute. I think she looks like me! :)

Ashley said...

That is too funny! I wonder if he learned that from you! At least you don't have to fight him to eat his veggies.