Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hyrum's engaged!

Hyrum proposed to Brooke the other day. Here's how it went down on the way to story hour.

Hyrum: I'm going to marry BrooTe.

Me: You can't just decide that. You have to ask Brooke-y if she wants to marry you.

Hyrum: Do you want to Det married?

Brooke: Yeah, sure.

So in the year 2038 (because I'm sure Brandon won't let Brooke marry until she is 32) look for the announcements via your 2038 digital device :)

PS-Amber, sorry that you had to hear about your daughter's engagement via a Blog.


The Grush's said...

Congratulations. Daniel tried this the other day, but he wasn't as fortunate. He got rejected. I had to hear it from the mother of the girl. He later told me that he couldn't get married in the temple because he didn't have a mom to marry. Where do they get this stuff?

Loriann Jensen said...

Congrats Hy! You're a lucky man!

Krista Payne said...

Congrats to Hyrum and the lucky lady!

Straley said...

One small request: Save your little beauty queen Riley for my handsome manly Andrew. Arranged marriages are the BEST.

Terra said...

2038..how old will we be then?