Friday, June 4, 2010

Princess Lessons in Gardening

I finally took Riley out of her pack n' play and let her help with the gardening yesterday. The little princess learned some lessons:
1-It is okay to get dirty (really DIRTY like "this-picture-doesn't-do-it-justice-dirty") especially to plant a veggie or flower garden... 2-and dirt makes pretty good fairy dust....
3- HOWEVER, dirt does NOT taste delicious like a piece of chocolate.

4-And you shouldn't keep eating it, even if you start to develop a taste for it.

5-And after getting really dirty, the best thing of all is a princess bubble bath and getting all cleaned up!


Grandmummsie said...

That's my girl! Enjoy the sunshine and the beauty of nature.

Jessica said...

She needs to come do my garden.

Straley said...

Wow, I can't believe your beautiful baby girl is one already. And I liked the pic of all your siblings at Janeen's graduation. How crazy that our baby sisters are all grown up. I guess that makes us... about 25, right?