Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Henry and the new puppy

Evil Aunt Jessica told Prince Hy and Princess Ri that they needed a kitten. They believed her. They named him Henry.

Hy "trained" him to chase the string.
Sneaky, cunning Dad decided that there needed to be yet another dog on the ranch. But Dad was smart; he got one that is cute. (Even if he likes to eat little children)

The ending of this story is that the good queen Mom got to find about 4 children playing in and with kitty litter today (one trying to bathe Henry with it) and 3 clumps of dog poop on the front porch. SIGGHHHHH


Jessica said...


Michelle said...

So cute! Riley is getting so big and adorable and Hyrum is as handsome as ever! I feel like I haven't been to the branch in ages!