Sunday, July 14, 2013

We are having....

a GIRL! Yes, girl #3 will be here about Thanksgiving time. So when you're pulling your turkey out of the oven, I'll be pushing my turkey out of mine (da-du-du-dum)! *That is the sound of the drums after making a clever or funny joke....just in case you were wondering.
This picture is an accurate description of how the news was taken:
Hyrum bawled for about 1/2 hour.
Riley didn't really care one way or the other...just don't bother her about it.
Lindsay has not a clue about how her life is going to change...drastically.
 Perhaps this is the reason Hyrum doesn't want anymore sisters?
 He asked if 1) we could adopt a brother for him or 2) he could be adopted into a family of all boys. Such is life my son!


The Grush's said...

Wow! That is exciting. Congratulations.

Dixie said...

I'm so happy for you! Maybe Celeste and Hyrum could trade places for a few days. Celeste would love to have some sisters. You have beautiful kids!
Come and see us sometime.

Aunt Dixie

Jami said...

Poor Hyrum, but he will learn to love it! Those sisters will keep him on his toes and they will have such a great brother to look up to! I love your family Jen! Thanks for all the fun times!

Julia Izzy said...

Yay!! Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you, Hyrum is a great big brother to all those cute sisters of his. :)

Terra said...

Congrats! Hyrum needs to visit us more to get his brother fill. Audrey keeps asking for a baby sister. :)