Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Enlightened Words

We had a little neighbor girl over to watch her and she told Hyrum that it is her aunt's last year for trick-or-treating.
Hy: Why?
Brooke:  Because she's going to be 12.
Me: A lot of kids stop going trick-or-treating when they are about 12.
Hy: Why? Is that what it says in the Book of Mormon?

Uncle "Si-rum", the little girl that didn't get dressed up, Riley the Witch Mermaid (who didn't have her witch's hat)
Riley was looking at the clock and said, "Look Mom, the big "finger" is pointing to the 4 and the little "finger" is pointing to the 8." She also calls the iPad game "Church Run" instead of "Temple Run" (temple as in "Temple of Doom" from Indiana Jones "temple")
Lindsay loves the song by Blake Shelton when it goes "red, red, red, red, redneck". I was trying to teach her more body parts and said, pointing to my neck, "Neck." She pointed to hers and said "red, red, red, red, redneck!"

 Sister Martinez, Hy, Lins, Ri, Sister Calero (our missionaries in Malta)
Hyrum and I were discussing if his teacher would be at school or if she was getting a substitute for the day.
Hy: "Yeah, she (the teacher) likes to hire moms who own a kid in her class."
Riley was outside feeding calves with Evan. "My heart is beeping so I can get warm!"
One especially hard and long day, I was loading the dishwasher and getting close to the end. One of the older kids needed me, so I went off to help them for a bit. When I got back, ALL of the dirty silverware was gone and Lindsay was wandering around. I looked in the sink, I looked on the floor and I COULD NOT find it!!! Finally I opened the silverware drawer. Lindsay had taken out all of the dirty silverware and put it away for me. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. What a helper! :)
Lindsay had her little shopping cart and was pushing it around downstairs. I didn't really look at it until later, but she had 1 baby in the baby seat and two more dolls, headfirst in the basket--just like mom. There are so many kids now, that there is no room for food in the grocery cart. She really is the 3rd child.
And the most enlightening comment of all from Riley:
"Did you know dipping your pig in your egg hole is really good?"
Yeah, that one made Evan almost choke. Interpretation: she was eating her breakfast and "pig" means bacon. The "egg hole" is the yolk of the egg. So there you have it. :)

1 comment:

Jami said...

Hahaha! Love all of them!! So funny!