Sunday, January 11, 2015

Happy 1st Bday Baby Kels!!

My baby is 1! Its so good in so many ways and so hard to see my baby growing up. She got pink lemonade cupcakes in a sad attempt to look like a butterfly. 
 The cupcakes were a little too sweet in my mind, but Kelsey didn't seem to mind!

 Opening a present from Gma Vicki & Poppa Bernie. Apparently, you need to step on them first for quality control....or in order to open the box!
 Her little catepillar piano!! She got a sippy cup from us, a Hello Kitty towel and dresses from Grandmummsie & Poppa Jeff, a cute winter outfit & piano from Gma & Gpa Israelsen. Happy girl!
Waving with her birthday poster.
I love my Kelsey baby. She gives great hugs and smiles. I was able to nurse her the longest (just past 13 months). She will NOT take a binky and therefore, is kind of a nuisance at church and at bedtime. She still wakes up in the middle of the night, but usually takes her two naps a day. She can sign "more," "food," "please" and then points to the kitchen. She has started to nod her head or shake. She says "Hi, Dad". She can SC-uh-REAM! She has wild, curly hair and pulls out any elastics/barrettes that I put in her hair, so she always looks slightly homeless. When she is nursing or snuggling, she either holds her hair or my hair as her "security blanket." She loves her siblings and loves her parents. She's pretty friendly to most people. I love her smile and laugh. I love when she gives hugs and pats me on the back. She was the easiest-going, mellowest baby I had....and then she hit 9 months! HAHAHA! Love my girl. And I love that she shares a birthday with my grandma Spencer. If she had a middle name, it would have been Jean.

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