Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Walkin', Talkin', & Trainin'

And, she's off!!! Kelsey has been walking for a while now. She was standing by her birthday with a few...very....cautious...steps! I found out all of the images I have are actual video footage of her walking, so no pics!!

She and Lindsay LOVE Herbie. That's why I love corgs. They are soon good with little kids and kids aren't intimidated by them. But they aren't fragile toy dogs, either. 

Kelsey has been learning signs. She signs "more," "food," and "please" and points to the kitchen. She is training her Daddy very well! (I have this sort of picture with his other 2 daughters as well!)

 Lindsay went potty on Ev's birthday and has basically been potty-trained ever since. She is a big girl like friend Allison! Yay! And she loves her Dora "underwear panties!"
 Here is Lindsay convincing me that she has her boots on and she needs to go work with her dad! She loves to get dressed first thing in the morning!!

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