Sunday, November 29, 2015

Two Reunions and a Tooth

My Aunt Ruth Kidd reserved Kate's in-laws' pond for our Family Reunion in Burley. It's called Harris Pond. So. much. fun!!! We loved it. Hyrum and Riley were like little fish out in the water with the kayaks and canoes and boats. There was a rope swing and a slide. It was just so much fun. I had popped my shoulder out a little bit earlier, so I was pretty cautious with it, but we still had a blast. Sadly, Evan couldn't make it, but the kids and I loved it.

 Riley started getting her two front teeth loose and could make some pretty goofy faces.

By mid-July, when we went to the Israelsen Reunion, she bit into a carrot and POP! out came her tooth!
(End Result:)
 We loved the Israelsen reunion in Logan Canyon. So pretty up there. We slept (not very well) in a tent by Pulsiphers. Evan and Kelsey ended up in the was pretty chilly. Olivia slept in our tent by Riley. There are a lot of 2nd cousins about my kids age so it is fun! We loved doing the skits that Aunt LaDean wrote up about Israelsen relatives. And the food was great!

The next morning, we drove by Grandpa Floyd's farm and took a picture by the pine tree that Poppa Bernie brought out of the Wind Rivers a long time ago!

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