Sunday, January 24, 2016


I like to think that I balk at the "trendy" things. I don't know why. I never watched the movie "Titanic." Still haven't. Why? Because it was HUGE and I had no interest in it. I didn't want to be like the other "sheep." I never finished Harry Potter series (although I think I will someday) and never even started the "Hunger Games." Now, I am into some trends, and this one was HUGE for me. This is below scriptures and a lot of my favorite LDS authors and speakers for me but right there with FlyLady and Dave Ramsey: Marie Kondo and "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up." I heard about it and decided to look into it. Mom got me the book and I was hooked!

The first thing to declutter during your "decluttering" marathon is your clothing. I never thought I had very much clothing but I was still surprised at the volume. 

Most pioneer women had 2/maybe 3 dresses...a work dress and a church dress. How come we have to have so much?

The picture on the left is my closet before and the picture on the right is my closet after. You may not be able to tell a huge difference, but I could. My closet actually looked beautiful to me! And I almost just wanted to leave the doors open rather than close them. It was truly refreshing. I got rid of clothes that didn't fit or that I really didn't love and it was so free-ing!
Next is your books. Again, I was shocked about how many I had.

(*I had an after shot of my "library" closet, but I can't upload it for some reason).

Anyway, my declutter marathon is continuing. My goal is to be done in 6 months (April 2016). It feels good and I'd recommend this book to anyone who wants to declutter and tidy!

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