Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The two-year old switch...

Okay, so this is my first go-round with a two-year old. I didn't realize that the actual birthday flipped a switch and made my sweet, little one-year old actually become a "terrific" two-year old. I thought the change would come gradually.

Example 1: Yesterday we were coming home from the doctor and I gave Buzzy his milk from Subway. He used to sip it, sometime spilling accidentally just a little bit. Yesterday, he flat turned his milk upside down and DUMPED it purposefully on his lap. We had a 45-minute drive home as well as a 15 minute wait at the post office. It was f-u-n.

Example 2: This morning things got quiet...too quiet. I called out Hyrum's name and he came running to me--with BLACK all on his pointer fingers. I had no idea what it was. I followed him into my bathroom where he opened my mascara and painted my BRAND NEW cabinets!! He couldn't even open my mascara, had no desire to play with it two weeks ago. What have we gotten ourselves into??? :)


Sara and JC said...

He is going to be the next Jackson Pollock, the drawers are very artistic.

Jessica said...

I'm in the library right now and I am trying so very hard to contain myself from laughing out loud. I love you and Buzzy. Aren't you excited that you get to go through it again in two more years! Loves

Janelle Johnson said...

I like Sara's positive spin on that. Is Hy crying in that picture? Sorry your kid is being silly. Yep...that's all I got, sorry.

Laura said...

I know exactly how you feel. Katy did the same thing. sometimes I think it would've been nice for someone to warn me. :) They are so much fun though.

Straley said...

You are preachin' to the choir, sister. I hereby stop or fast forward Luke's year, because he is already a bear. I am babysitting a 3 month old, and he gets jealous sometimes and lays on the floor SCREAMING like his hair is on fire. I'll have to video it sometime. That's so funny that Hyrum got into your makeup. Brian is always telling me to buy some more kid-proof doorknobs. Don't worry, the day they turn 3 yrs old, they become normal, loving humans again. (HAHA!) Luke's biting my leg.