Thursday, November 20, 2008

Yes...we are!

So many of faithful blog-checkers...may have wondered where I have been. I'm here, just busy. And we wanted to make sure things were looking good at the 12 week check-up before we announced "officially" :) I had a scare today when I went to the doc's office. Things were going well and I really like our family doctor...I think she will do GREAT. Anyway, she couldn't find the baby's heartbeat with the doppler and I'm 12 weeks along. My heart dropped. I had asked Heavenly Father that if this baby wasn't meant to live, to take it before I had another stillborn; but the actual thought that this baby wasn't there made me so sick.

The doc went with me to the ultrasound room and the found a little baby in there moving around, jumping, squirming (just like its 2-year old brother). I felt the tears in my eyes and the immediate relief. They think the baby's heartbeat was just hidden behind my pulse.

Anyway, everything is really good. But it made me definitely reflect on two good friends who have recently miscarried. I don't know why some babies don't get a chance and some do. I don't know why some awful people get babies so easily and those families who would really give that baby the best home possible don't. I guess that's just part of this telestial life.

But today, I counted my blessings.


Jessica said...

Jen! You are so strong. I'm so excited for the Fuzz. I love you!

Loriann Jensen said...

Jen, I'm so glad everything is going well! Being pregnant can be so nerve wracking! Hang in there-

Smart Family said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!

Janelle Johnson said...

I count my blessings too and the FUZZ is on my list! Loves.

Robert and Lisa said...

I'm glad things are going well. That's great news!

Straley said...

I'm so glad baby is doing well! Pregnancy makes me crazy, there are so many worries and emotions. We're thinking about you!

Paul, Nat, Syd, and Maggie said...

J.J. that is awesome! Congrats! It can be scary but it is so nice to know that Heavenly Father is in charge. I am so happy for you!

Janelle Johnson said...

You know how with Hyrum I knew he was a boy the moment I looked at his ultrasounds pictures...well, I can't tell with the Fuzz. Good thing I didn't change my career path to ultrasound technician due to just that one incident. Loves

The Wisers said...

Congrats Jen, I am so excited for you! I hope you are feeling well.

Terra said...

Hooray! So, then you're due around May or June? Math makes my head hurt. Congrats!