Monday, January 21, 2013

Ms. Spunk

My husband has been known to use the term "knot-head." Riley now addresses her Grandpa, in a loud voice and with a scowl, as "you knock-it-head". Then she runs and gives him a big hug. I think it is a term of endearment. 
She is now a Sunbeam and her teacher (one of them) is Karen Fowles. Riley loves Karen. I wonder if she calls Karen a "knock-it-head". This is the dress that she wore Sunday. She L O V E S it.
 Good thing she's not a diva...
 that gets lots of dresses....
from her Grandmas..........
oh, wait.
Eat your heart out Neener.


Janeen Johnson said...

Imitation cannot compete with the original.

Janelle Johnson said...

Neener's comment is hilarious.