Sunday, February 17, 2013

While we were gone

I tried to use pics from my mom's blog, but to no avail. So just use your imagination.

Little, baby Neener left on her mission to Nashville, Tennessee.  I think she cried more when she hugged me than when she hugged Decca. Sorry, Dec. It was lots of fun to see all of the friends and family that came for her farewell. I pretended that they were actually there to see me.

Hyrum cried at night when he talked to us on the phone. He missed us.

Riley could care less. She was with her grandmummsie (although she threw a stink about taking off her princess dress for dinner. But when she got hungry enough, she took off her princess dress). I asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up and she replied enthusiastically, "A cheerleader!" Oh boy!

Lindsay seemed to miss me us a little bit, but she also became friends with the Grandmummsie. Evan thinks she learned to understand the English language since we came back. She nods her head and yesterday, she climbed up the stairs for the first time.

Apparently when Mom & Dad came back from dropping Neener off, my children had quite the adventures at the neighbors house: Riley had makeup--which she applied all by herself, Lindsay had rolled off the bed, and Hyrum was shot by a bb gun. The kids were good, but the neighbor looked close to tears. Good times, good times.