Thursday, July 9, 2015

Dearest Kelsey,

As the youngest, I hope you know that your mother loves you. There are certain privileges that come with being the youngest. You will basically have free-rein over your parents and will be considered spoiled by your older siblings. But that is because your parents are tired. And old. And with that responsibility comes the cold, hard fact that your blessing blanket will not be done by the time you are bless. In fact, it will happen OVER A YEAR later. 

The pictures of you in your blessing gown lying on a soft, yellow afghan? It's a LIE. At that time, your afghan was as wide as a scarf---a very thin scarf. We had to fake it so you wouldn't feel bad.

So here is your afghan. It was made with love. And you don't seem too angry.

Love, Mom

PS-For his/her sake, pray that you never get a younger sibling.

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