Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sick and Tired....

....of being sick and tired! So I don't know if this bug is an epidemic or if we were just in the middle of a move, so we got two groups of people sick. Anyway, from our family/friends who have had this little flu bug, it lasts for a week, a month....yeah, it's a doozy. All three of us have had it since last week (Ev's had it for two weeks). We're over the lying in bed moaning wishing that we could die; however, we still have a nasty cough/sore throat.

So, the worst thing about it (besides being in the middle of a move) is that on Friday, it was our 5th wedding anniversary--yeah, a big one. It was like the bug got its second wind and knocked us both flat for the day. Our conversation was something like this:

Jen: "I'm going to make some Theraflu---want some?"

Evan: "Yeah."

Jen, presenting Ev with his Theraflu: "Happy 5th Anniversary."

Evan: "Yeah."

As Evan so delicately put it, we were lying on the La-Z-Boys wiping our noses on each other...

This pic is Ev and Hyrum still recuperating(sp?) and is a great demonstration of how we've felt all week. Oh, Hyrum has never snuggled until now. That's how sick he is.

Anyway, we're going to celebrate our anniversary later when we don't feel so crappo!

1 comment:

Janelle Johnson said...

I love Ev's face. He always pulls good faces. And Hy looks so big.