Friday, October 10, 2008

Any ideas...

for YW in Excellence. It's been like ten years and I haven't paid attention to what you do at these things. Help....I'm stressed! Oh, and the mutual theme is "Steadfast and Immovable".


Laura said...

Hey Jen -
You are so creative, I'm sure you'll do a great job with whatever you decide to do. From what I remember when I was in YW I think we just had tables and we displayed our projects and we each took a turn presenting them. I want to say our Stake YW leaders used the example of a light house - but maybe that was last years theme (I can't remember now). Sorry, maybe that wasn't much help.

The Grush's said...

Some websites that might help some are or I think both of those have links that will give you ideas. Our YW pres. decided to combine it with new beginnings. I was very happy to learn that. It seems you get done with one and then you have to move on to the other so fast.

Loriann Jensen said...

Play "Bowling for Standards". Have 10 YW stand in triangular formation and one YW or leader be the "Devil ball" and try to knock the the girls down. Steadfast and Immovable. It's perfect!