Friday, December 26, 2008

The Nativity

Growing up, we always did the Nativity...even 2 years ago at Mom and Dad's. As we've gotten older, it's lost the cutest and the charm and has been more irreverent than anything. But we always looked forward to it. This year, with my little neighbors, it was quite entertaining.... Grace, Brooke, and Hyrum were our wisemen and they didn't do their part as well as we would have liked. My favorite is that one of the "gifts" was a box of wipes. Mary probably could have used wipes more than myrrh...whatever that is.
Our angel Kensey was talking to Bryson and Ashlee--the shepherds.

Our angel and shepherds again, but Bry Bud was hiding.

Evan was the narrator, Cooper's carseat was the baby Jesus, Austin was Joseph and Amanda was Mary. She "gave birth" with a smile on her face and wondered why the rest of us women didn't smile when we have babies....hmm....(here you see Hyrum's headress as a wiseman).

Our little actors/actresses and the box of wipes. How cute were they?

1 comment:

Janelle Johnson said...

Adorable. You pulled off a cuter nativity than we could have.