Friday, April 4, 2014

Look at the Clubhouse, Uncle Justin!

*This blog post is for Ev's brother, Justin, who helped Evan put the posts in the ground back in September. Justin....we've made progress!!!
 This is the platform. Rick told Ev he needs more support.....he is probably right. :)

 These supports on the corners were creatively constructed by a sawzall and pushing the posts through the hole. The first one, Ev tried to saw from the bottom up through. The others, he sawed from the top down. There is nothing on this clubhouse that would pass a certified inspection. It is ALL REDNECK!
 Hy helping me measure where the rails should go. Apparently, I don't know how to measure very well. Some of the rails are....leaning. I'm not bothered by it, but Ev threatens that he is going to straighten them out!

 Lindsay wanted to come up sooooooooo bad. "Hold you!!"
 Lookin' good!

 I didn't want walls on the bottom, but Ev decided instead of building a house on the top, he'd just build walls on the bottom. It DOES look pretty cool!
 I didn't know that Evan knew how to build stairs! I'm impressed!! Lindsay did manage to escape two days ago and was found on top of the platform! Eek! Hyrum and I saved her. It's to the point where it is easy to get up, but not safe yet!

What a GREAT dad to spend all of spring break working on the clubhouse with the kids! :)

1 comment:

Justin said...

Progress indeed...I like it!