Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Mom, remind you of anyone?

You know how they say what comes around goes around? Mom has a picture pretty identical to this one. This is the dessert I got for my birthday. Well Hyrum had started opening the fridge, but really hadn't gotten into anything. was quiet...too quiet. This is what I found:
About a half hour later... (after I'd cleaned him and the fridge up).
Then one day, Jen got smart and put the cake up higher so Hyrum couldn't reach it. The end.


Janelle Johnson said...

I love his looks of pure delight! And his eyes look really blue with that blue shirt. He is sure a handsome boy.

Annie Empey said...

Buzzy is sooo funny!

Janae said...

Jen-- he is so darn cute!!! I love how he is always wearing his little cowboy hat!