Saturday, May 26, 2012

And we're off!

We knew that with the timing of our move, we would have to land on our feet running.  We have been busy with projects and events galore, but (other than a little sick bug that hit) it's been great!
 Ev & Hy killing the voles that had infested the lawn.  Drown them out and hit them with a shovel.  That was a better idea than the crossbow that Ev had out at first.
 Moving pipe.  Hyrum went from watching Ev move pipe, to lifting the latch for him, to draining the water out, to unhooking a whole quarter-mile handline by himself.  He asks every night if he can go move pipe with Ev in the morning.
Setting out the K-line with Evan, Grandpa & Hyrum.  The new pride and joy of the farm is the K-line...a watering system that you can move on the back of a 4-wheeler.  I used to dream of something like this when I was a kid moving handlines and wheellines!

1 comment:

Janelle Johnson said...

What?! A K-line, that is awesome!