Saturday, May 26, 2012

Lindsay's Blessing

Lindsay Israelsen was blessed in the Malta 1st Ward by her dad.  My mom made her dress and I made her afghan.
 I forced Ev to keep his jacket on and Hy to stay dressed in order to get this picture. :)
 4 generations: Grandmummsie, Great Grandma Ilajean Spencer, Lindsay, Me
 Dad, A. Vickie, Steve, Kylie, Sara, Ann, U. Daryl
 Evan, Sara, Ben, Kylie, Ann (and Steve's foot, Dad's head, U. Daryl's knee)
 JC and Janeen in the kitchen
It was a nice day and fun to visit with family who came for the blessing!

1 comment:

Janelle Johnson said...

The family picture turned out well.